Saturday, July 6, 2019

Update on me and a few masks....

I sure hope all had a Happy and safe 4th of July!

I did. I stayed home. LOL

Well, life is changing for us all, and
I am no exception. I can't apologize
enough for not updating sooner than
today. I was working two jobs, and just
kept digging myself  deeper into a

Not only with finances, but with
everything else. Now that I am seeing
the light,
I have decided to get back into some
things that 
I have enjoyed in the past. One is

So, here are a few masks for you. I
hope to have more 
soon in the near future. Enjoy!







Do you want a Christmas Kit?

  Yes, I know it is really close to Christmas, but this is a cute one. At least, I think so!  I call it Christmas Cats: Download from MEDIAF...