Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some of my Images

Here are a few of my images:


Danny B:

Foxy Guy:


Just right click and save to your computer.

More to come soon!


Well peeps, I finally got moved! I did have a few set backs, but all is better now.
My dog, Sparky, died of Parvo, then I moved within a few days of his death.
I am getting things put back together in my new place, and I am also looking for more
of my older graphics that you may like. I am also working on newer ones, so watch out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, it looks like I will be moving this weekend, so I do not know if
I will be able to get anything else put up here. However, I shall try.
I also have one cat pregnant, ready to have her kittens, and just found out
that the other female may be pregnant as well! Oh, woe is me! LOL.

Have a great day, and hopefully I will get on here after work.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Terms of Use

I made these images, so therefore, the copyright belongs to ME.

1.The PROPER copyright is © Lori McDivitt

Please include my URL on your finished creations.

2. Please leave the file names in tact.

3. Do not share the images with anyone, do not add them to any site for download.
If anyone wants my images for their use, please direct them to my site Lori's PSP Graphics at

4. Your creations are yours, and I ask that you do not sell them. If anyone is to make a profit
from them it should be me, for I am the one who created them.

5.You may offer YOUR creations as FREE downloads or give them away,
but do not offer my images by themselves, without my permission. They must be used for personal use ONLY.

6. Do not use my images with any other artists images, unless the images are from kits etc..
You get my drift,  eh?

Tutorial writers- You may use my graphics in your tutorials. 
Please credit me in your tutorial.  See #3 for additional Terms. 
I would appreciate you showing me what you create with them.

If you or anyone else has any questions, my email is

Please abide my TOU. I reserve the right to change my TOU at anytime.

Lastly, and most important:

Have Fun!!


Here are a few masks I made:

Just right click and save to your computer. Enjoy!

Just Starting

Hello all! I am just starting this blog of which I have graphics I have made through the years, and more graphic making for me is in the future. I use Paint Shop Pro 9 for all of my graphics. I will be adding as I have time. I hope you like them.


The O'Scrap Blog Train is rolling out! Here is a preview of what we are offering:   Here is mine: Download from  MEDIAFIRE  Or PCLOUD . ...