Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas! All 3 of my children were unable to be home for Christmas. My two sons are both Marines and were back a couple of months ago. At the same time, my daughter was home too, so she can see them. Yes, she brought the youngest grandson. My only wish for Christmas was for my family to be together. I guess we had Christmas early, eh?

Hopefully, I can get on here more and put more graphics up for you all. And some good news! I have a job interview tomorrow, the 26th! With my present job down the drain, I really hope that I get this one. I may have to be offline for a bit, but it will be well worth it.


Saturday, December 15, 2012


Hello bloggers! How about some word art? Just right click and save and enjoy! 

Saturday, December 8, 2012

My apologies and an Update....

Sorry folks, but I have not been feeling like making too many graphics. I work for a company called G&D Integrated. As one of their forklift drivers, I am contracted out to Caterpillar and work in one of their facilities. I watched at least 10 people get walked out last night due to one of Cat's "downsizing" events. I know there were more, but that is all I saw. There are more lay-offs in the future too. Caterpillar is also downsizing the G&D people too. We were told that we will be moved, or laid off in the next few weeks. Over 200 more G&D employees to be laid-off! Yes, there is a call back--in 4-5 months. However, that does not do us good now. My job has been eliminated on my shift. So my days are numbered there.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Another Mask

Here is another mask for all of you. Sorry, but I have been busy and haven't been able to update. Life in EFR certainly keeps one busy. Have a good one!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

A couple of masks for you!

Yea I know I have been gone a while now, but I have been busy. However, I am off for another week, and hopefully I can make it up to you all. Here are a couple of masks for yas. I used the Blinds effect in PSP to make them.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Long Time, No See!

OMG! It has been a while! I guess life gets away from one, eh? 

I do have graphics to post, but doubt if I can find them tonight. LOL

I am getting ready to go to bed, and will look for them this weekend.

I hope all are doing okay...Have a good one, and I shall see yas later!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Just to say Hi

Happy Tuesday everyone!

I thought I would post just to say hello!

I am working on more graphics for yas, too!

Yep! More masks are on the way! I also have a few backgrounds I wish to share with

yas that I have made.  I shall see yas later!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Stuff Happens

Hey bloggers!

 I have been busy with work, and still in my group at EFR. Otherwise there is nothing to report here. Just letting you all know that I am still alive! LOL

Have a good one!

Friday, August 17, 2012

More images

Hello Everyone! 

Yea, it has been a few days. However, I do have a couple more images to show yas.

This is AC:

This Is Weird Hal:

Yes, I made them. Please abide by my terms of use at the beginning of this blog, if
you use them.

I will be updating my TOU in the next week or two.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

More Vectors

Well, I found more graphics for you all to see.

You may still download them, Look at them, laugh at them, I do not care. However, if you use them, please abide by my terms of use.

Fur Man

Foxy Guy:

New Kid

Sly Woman


Well, I am moved and trying to get things arranged the way I want them in this place. I have also been busy in my group, Escape From Reality. If you want, come and join us...be sure to tell them that Lori sent you! Anyway, I have not made anymore graphics. However, since I have one more week off of work, I am going to work on some. See yas later!

Monday, July 23, 2012


Well, I am moving again to a place that is 30 miles from where I presently reside. The trailer park I currently reside in is being closed down by the city, and everyone has to move. I found a place close to my work, and I will move this weekend. I do not know when I will be back online, but I will make it soon!

Sunday, June 24, 2012


As promised, 3 more masks for you!
Just click on the mask then right click and save to your computer.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Long Time No see, eh?

Yea, I know...been a while! LOL Oh heck, who am I kidding? I am pretty much talking to myself.. not a lot of peeps stop by. However, I have been busy....and Boy I have been working a lot of hours! I have just acquired another animal. He is a 13 year old male basset hound. I am taking care of him for a friend, and yes, I still have my dog, Peewee. My three kitties just turned a year old yesterday! Will put up more masks later this weekend.... Have a good day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy!

Wow! It has been a while since I last posted! So sorry! I have been busy. However, I will make it up to yas here in the next few days. I have been working on some new graphics, and I am also in a PSP group called Escape From Reality. Actually, I co-own it. I hope to get on this blog more to post to you, and I hope to have my new creations done for yas too! Right now, I have to get ready to go to work. See yas soon!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

More Masks

Here are a few more masks:

Just right click and save to your computer. Enjoy!

Been a while!

I know it has been a while, since I have posted. However, I hope to change that here in the near future. I have been working long hours, and some friends have been needing my help when I am not at work. When I started this blog, I did not want to be like a lot of other scrappers who posted at longer intervals than others. WRONG! It has been over a week since I posted, and am very sorry about that. Besides, I know no one is viewing this blot except me. LOL

I am also in thought of which of my older graphics to put up. However, I do have a few more masks I found and will be adding them later. Have a good one everyone!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Some of my Images

Here are a few of my images:


Danny B:

Foxy Guy:


Just right click and save to your computer.

More to come soon!


Well peeps, I finally got moved! I did have a few set backs, but all is better now.
My dog, Sparky, died of Parvo, then I moved within a few days of his death.
I am getting things put back together in my new place, and I am also looking for more
of my older graphics that you may like. I am also working on newer ones, so watch out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Busy, Busy, Busy

Well, it looks like I will be moving this weekend, so I do not know if
I will be able to get anything else put up here. However, I shall try.
I also have one cat pregnant, ready to have her kittens, and just found out
that the other female may be pregnant as well! Oh, woe is me! LOL.

Have a great day, and hopefully I will get on here after work.

Monday, March 12, 2012

My Terms of Use

I made these images, so therefore, the copyright belongs to ME.

1.The PROPER copyright is © Lori McDivitt


Please include my URL on your finished creations.

2. Please leave the file names in tact.

3. Do not share the images with anyone, do not add them to any site for download.
If anyone wants my images for their use, please direct them to my site Lori's PSP Graphics at http://lorispspgraphics.blogspot.com/

4. Your creations are yours, and I ask that you do not sell them. If anyone is to make a profit
from them it should be me, for I am the one who created them.

5.You may offer YOUR creations as FREE downloads or give them away,
but do not offer my images by themselves, without my permission. They must be used for personal use ONLY.

6. Do not use my images with any other artists images, unless the images are from kits etc..
You get my drift,  eh?

Tutorial writers- You may use my graphics in your tutorials. 
Please credit me in your tutorial.  See #3 for additional Terms. 
I would appreciate you showing me what you create with them.

If you or anyone else has any questions, my email is nedya4@gmail.com.

Please abide my TOU. I reserve the right to change my TOU at anytime.

Lastly, and most important:

Have Fun!!


Here are a few masks I made:

Just right click and save to your computer. Enjoy!

Just Starting

Hello all! I am just starting this blog of which I have graphics I have made through the years, and more graphic making for me is in the future. I use Paint Shop Pro 9 for all of my graphics. I will be adding as I have time. I hope you like them.


The O'Scrap Blog Train is rolling out! Here is a preview of what we are offering:   Here is mine: Download from  MEDIAFIRE  Or PCLOUD . ...