Thursday, December 24, 2015

New Masks and some news.

I will be offline for a few days because I am taking a trip to see family. 

However, before I go--I have a few  masks for you!

Monday, December 21, 2015

More masks!

Hey everyone! I have been working some
weird hours lately.
However, I do have a couple of masks for you! 
You know the drill! Just click to 
enlarge and right click to save! 

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Hello and more masks!

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! 
I worked that day, and on Friday, my son 
came over, and we had our dinner.

Here are a couple of masks for you. I intended on posted these
the other day, but time got away from me.

Just right click to enlarge and save to your computer:


  I have joined another Blog Train!   I have joined the Magickal Dreamers Blogtrain. Here is a preview of what we are offering: Here is my p...