Friday, November 20, 2015

Creative Chicks Mask Challenge

I participated in the November's monthly challenge 
at the Creative chicks. They will be available 
December 1st  on the Creative Chicks Blog.

Here are the masks I made:

There are 20 of them! 

However, you will not be able to get them until December 1st, unless you
join our forum.  The forum link is at the top right on my blog here.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Several new masks!

I have been working on making masks for
The Creative Chicks for the
monthly challenge. Well, I also made some to
post here:

Creative Chicks Monthly Challenge

Last Month I participated in the Creative Chicks monthly Challenge! 
The theme was Autumn/Thanksgiving.

Here are the masks I made: 

I hope you check them out! 
Ohhhh there are a lot of other goodies too!

What did you say? 
Oh yeah!  You need the link! 

Here it is! 


  I have joined another Blog Train!   I have joined the Magickal Dreamers Blogtrain. Here is a preview of what we are offering: Here is my p...