Sunday, February 22, 2015

More masks!

Hey bloggers!

I know it has been a while, but I have
been busy in my group. However, for 
an apologetic gesture, I have a few masks for you!
Just click to enlarge, then right click and save! 
See yas next time! 

Saturday, February 7, 2015

A couple more masks for yas!

2 More masks for you!

Creative Chicks Monthly Challenge for January 2015

Last month, I participated in making masks 
       for the Creative Chicks monthly challenges.
Go to the Creative Chicks Blog to 
download my masks and a lot of other goodies
from the Creative Chicks!

The theme for January was based on the theme
 "Candy Snowflake" to match our Scrapkit Challenge.

 Please leave some love when downloading!

Here is the preview of the masks:

Valentines Masks!


Here are some Valentine's masks for you all! 
Have a great day! 


  I have joined another Blog Train!   I have joined the Magickal Dreamers Blogtrain. Here is a preview of what we are offering: Here is my p...