Saturday, May 31, 2014

About one of my masks...

I have removed one of my masks because when I went to use it,
it did not turn out well. 
The mask name was LLM_Textured.
If any of my masks do not work for you, 
please email me and let me know.

I have redone it with and without the black background:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Just a note...

I just learned that Minc from the Tagging Obsessions blog
used one of my masks in one of her tutorials!
Isn't that wonderful!
I was beginning to wonder if anyone even came
to my blog here!

See her tutorial HERE.

Thursday, May 1, 2014


I can't believe it has been almost 2 months since I posted last! 
Well, to make it up to you all, I have a few masks:


  I have joined another Blog Train!   I have joined the Magickal Dreamers Blogtrain. Here is a preview of what we are offering: Here is my p...