Friday, August 17, 2012

More images

Hello Everyone! 

Yea, it has been a few days. However, I do have a couple more images to show yas.

This is AC:

This Is Weird Hal:

Yes, I made them. Please abide by my terms of use at the beginning of this blog, if
you use them.

I will be updating my TOU in the next week or two.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

More Vectors

Well, I found more graphics for you all to see.

You may still download them, Look at them, laugh at them, I do not care. However, if you use them, please abide by my terms of use.

Fur Man

Foxy Guy:

New Kid

Sly Woman


Well, I am moved and trying to get things arranged the way I want them in this place. I have also been busy in my group, Escape From Reality. If you want, come and join sure to tell them that Lori sent you! Anyway, I have not made anymore graphics. However, since I have one more week off of work, I am going to work on some. See yas later!


  I have joined another Blog Train!   I have joined the Magickal Dreamers Blogtrain. Here is a preview of what we are offering: Here is my p...